A reason for something.

11 11 2009

They say that everything happens for a reason.

Ok, I might give it a try that there is reason why there is panty liner made for thongs. That there is a reason why people have these “white lies” (really, I want to confront the European guy nearby just to get him explain about the black lies…or there is also a gray lies?) Enough reason to give when a staff failed to report on the work on time due to attending a party, a reason: he has a great social life and others don’t.

People, I observe, in cases like ours have the silliest reason that you could ever find in a place where 15 years old are not allowed to work. I double checked the HR files I know that I have just to be pretty sure that no minors are working with me. Here is the hilarious scenarios and decide if the reasons given are enough for you to smile or…to curse.

2  of my colleagues were accidentally standing there in the cash counter after assisting the queries of the future clients were exchanging Girgir with each other when an Emirati Local lady walked in. The usual and practiced approach for this situation is to greet the client. Funny thing was, they greeted in sync motions which was never brought big deal…oh yeah, for me. I was actually thinking that the”rival” between SP’s are dead. after few minutes staying not too far from them, they started to make the Girgir seriously and in high pitching voices. Was there something wrong? I looked instantly to their side to warn them that they are not in the fish market but in a work indeed. Right before I came closer to utter some words, they decided to disappear like oil being drop with a dish washing liquid…impossibly two atom splitted.

I thought then it was finished, that both of them would celebrate life and be happy about it. But then, from the office I heard a hesitant knock and I opened the door. The female colleague was nearly crying when I asked her to come in.

“You have to listen to this, me and the male specie didn’t stop arguing because of that client who came. We keep on arguing that this client should be under my name or his only, no sharing!” whew, her voice was so strong, I was moved by her conviction. I wondered what made her feel so strong like that.

I asked her what happened, did the customer buy and what was the reason for her to think that the customer should be under her name alone and not be shared with the male specie. ” You know me, I work hard. I do my best and I assist clients 100%…and blah blah blah.” Well she just let my 10 minutes by her motor powered mouth. Gee I was nearly thankful because she let those times fly.

“Wait a sec, did the client buy and if she did, how much the net total was?” I asked her to get the details exactly why was she feeling furious. I know she is regularly taking her insulin, I wonder today if she did.

I let another 10 minutes fly by listening to her and when I knew the reason why she and the male specie got the “fight of the century” I wanted to get a whip and whip them off, literally! And send them to the deserted island so that they will not have a choice but to marry each other and promulgate.

A smile, because of the smile of the client….Wait, wait and  wait a minute? How were they able to see the smile when in fact I knew I just saw her eyes and I’m not too smart to know to whom she really smiled at and if she was really smiling even! And another wait, the customer just said “marhaba” and after asking few questions in Arabic, then she took her ass out of the shop. And for the last wait…are they really fighting over these silly things? Now I wonder how pressure can it be that bad if they are already dealing with the topic of: the customer cried after purchasing? Or customer just bluntly expressed he is a gay while choosing an item?

I pushed her out of the office. Oh, holy camel (I’m giving the cow an off day, this time, he’s too popular now of being so holy) awhile ago I was feeling so delighted when the time flew so fast listening to her rather pressured tone. There we were, wasting completely our time, justifying things like explaining with a great effort to convince me about everything. I felt like I was a judge or something to tell that , yes a fish can’t fly.

Either the customer moved her eyes from right to left or left to right. Either she had looked to the female specie first then to the male specie or vice versa, No one will know now, that ‘smile’ cannot be enough reason to rewind the camera, because it is just freaking useless to discuss. A smile, under the black sheets of traditional face cover was a shallow reason for my two colleagues to fight…and for me to even think of sharing this.

Or did she really smile?


  • Girgir – word for talking too much? Talking nonsense. Had  hard time finding the meaning in the net so I asked a very good friend who lives in Fujairah, he said he is Arabic but thinks that the meaning of the word is from Hindu… or ???(e.g. I am girgir – ing just to explain the word girgir.)
  • SP – Sales person; just too lazy to complete the words.
  • Marhaba – hello in Arabic language.



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